Insights Into Timber Stand Improvement

Saturday June 1st -10:00 am – Vernon

Whether you are interested in doing pre-commercial thinning yourself or simply want to better understand what your forester is recommending for your young forest, this workshop will help you see your trees in a new light.  Landowner Munson Hicks will host Forester George Weir and County Forester Sam Schneski on a walk through the woods to discuss the concepts of Timber Stand Improvement (TSI).  The goals of a TSI project are to identify crop trees with excellent sawtimber characteristics and to reduce competition from neighboring trees by removing unhealthy trees and lower economically valued trees.  Picking the trees to release, proper spacing, thinning tools and thinning methods will be reviewed.  The group will look at an area that has already been thinned, then take a look at an unthinned area and identify appropriate crop trees and spacing.  The focus will be primarily on white pine, but thinning of hardwoods will also be covered.

Meet at the Hicks woodland at 870 Tyler Hill Road in Vernon at 10:00 on Saturday, June 1.  Questions?  Email us at WRWA: .

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