Taught by Northeast Woodland Training
In partnership with the Windham County Conservation District and
Windham Regional Woodlands Association
Fall Session 2020: Townshend, VT
Level 1: Saturday, September 26, 2020
Level II: Sunday, September 27, 2020
Game of Logging (GOL) is the preeminent course in chainsaw skills and safety. The course was developed in 1960’s by Soren Eriksson, a Swedish logger turned training instructor. The GOL teaches the Scandinavian logging technique and chainsaw safety in a fun system of instruction in groups of no more than ten. The “game” refers not only to the friendly competitive aspect of the training, but also the necessity of having a winning strategy for felling trees and working safely.
In this hands-on training, one instructor works with a group of up to ten participants to ensure that each participant has time to practice the techniques and receive personal feedback. Participants receive individualized coaching at a series of in-the-woods practice stations. By listening to explanations, watching demonstrations, and practicing techniques, participants come away with better work habits and greater confidence in their ability to safely fell trees and work in the woods.
The Level 1 & Level 2 courses are designed for novice to advanced chain saw users. Novices develop safe and productive habits from the start, while experienced chain saw users improve their skills and “unlearn” bad habits and unsafe techniques.
Level 1 focuses on introducing the participant to open face felling and the development of techniques to safely use it. Topics covered include personal protective equipment, chainsaw safety features, chainsaw reactive forces, bore cutting, pre-planning the fell, and understanding hinge wood strength.
Level 2 focuses on maximizing chainsaw performance through basic maintenance, carburetor setting, and filing techniques. Limbing and bucking techniques are introduced, spring pole cutting is covered and more felling is practiced.
To Register, please download this document with information and a registration form:GOL-Information-and-Registration-Townsend-Fall-2020-1Download The cost is $200/course but WRWA is providing a $50/course rebate to WRWA members after successful course completion.
Click for information on the Covid Policy guidelines and what to bring.
For more information call (802)689-3024
or email

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