Scholarship Awards 2017

Windham Regional Woodlands Association has awarded scholarships for the 2017-18 academic year to two students: Samuel Stevens of Brattleboro and Tanner Bell of Guilford. Both scholars are graduates of Brattleboro Union High School, and both will be attending Unity College in Maine.

Sam plans to major in Environmental Studies leading into a study of Forestry. He says, “My interest toward forest management is strong. I am seriously considering a lifelong career in that field. I believe that it is among the most noble pursuits that can be undertaken because it is a pursuit that directly improves the state of the environment and the quality of life on earth.”

Sept 24 email from Sam

Sam update 5-28-18

Tanner plans a double major in Wildlife and Fisheries Management and Conservation Law Enforcement. He says, “I have recently shadowed my local State Game Warden for roughly twenty hours and the experience was truly amazing. The experience solidified what I already knew, which was that I truly belong in a job field that involves wildlife and the outdoors, whether that be a game warden or a wildlife biologist, because I have such a passion for the outdoors.”

1-18-18 email from Tanner

We are delighted to be able to help these young men in their career paths, and will follow their progress with interest.


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